Dr. Will

Dr. Will
In Motion

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Will You Live To See The Dream

This week on the Dr. Will Speaks Radio Show I will have a discussion with a panel of health experts to discuss healthy living. In this passion driven, success driven society world we live in, it is amazing how many people disregard their health. One day as I was working on my life plan, a thought came to me in the form of a question. That question was simply, “Will you be around to enjoy your success?” Wow, in my pursuit of success, I had neglected my health.

How many of you have neglected your health while pursuing your life goals. Let me be the first to say that I was one that never really thought about the way I ate and the type of foods I put into my body. For most of my life I was an athlete, so I kept a regular work out schedule. After college, I joined the military, which helped continue my regular work outs. Being an athlete and soldier deceived me into thinking I could eat and put anything into my body.

I didn’t realize until I left the military how damaging my way of life was. Because I didn’t have to work out, and the responsibility was all on me, I failed. I had developed poor eating habits, and now combined with no regular exercise, my body became sluggish.

Well, the later part of this year I made the decision to change me, so I could see my dreams come to past. Let me be honest with you, it’s not an easy task, but a necessary task, that I want to invite you to do as well.

On this Wednesday, I will talk with an expert panel that will give us the needed info to help us on our new journey. This is a show you don’t want to miss. Tune in at 12 noon Eastern Standard Time. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dr-will-speaks

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

After We Die

I am inspired by life and all the lessons it teaches daily. Each day I try to learn from life and the environment I live in. This morning I was riding my bike and saw something that made me begin to think about what impact if any I will have after I die.

I know many do not like to think about death, they consider death to be a morbid subject. As the Good Book says “There is a time to live and a time to die.” So death is nothing to be afraid of, but to be prepared for.

Let me first say that what I saw this morning on my morning ride is a bit horrific, but follow me and I think you will see the lessons.

As I was riding my bike, I saw a rabbit that appeared to be run over by a car. While passing this sight I thought what a shame. I didn’t give it much thought, but when I was on my return trip, that is when the light bulb went off. The second time I saw this rabbit, a crow was picking his morning breakfast from this dead rabbit’s body. I know it paints a dreadful picture, but let us see what we can learn.

Number one, this rabbit probably had no idea that today was going to be his last day of living, just like you and I are not sure when our time is up. Therefore we have to approach each day with great vigor and excitement. Next, what grabbed my attention was seeing the crow getting his morning meal. The rabbit was benefiting the livelihood of the crow, which made me think will I still be able to serve mankind after I die. What am I producing today that others will be able to know I was here.

I have come to this conclusion; we all need to live life as if today is our last day. Be involved in something that will serve mankind after we are no longer living.


Monday, October 18, 2010


Over the last decade or so I have been on a course to become the best me I could be. After countless hours of studying, failing, personal development, mentoring and failing, did I say failing already. I have discovered a principal within this process that many people try to avoid.

In trying to avoid this key element of success, many people find themselves living unfulfilled lives and basically reducing their potential greatly.

What is this all important key? RISK!!! Yep, I said it, if you are ever going to reach further, climb higher and do more than you ever thought possible, you are going to have to take risk. Now I know you don’t like hearing this, you don’t like to live on what others classify as the wild side of life.

However, whatever you want to accomplish on an enormous scale, there will always be great risk involved. And yes, the bigger the dream, vision or desire, the bigger the risk.

Now there are four basic things we can do with risk. Number one, we can transfer it. This rarely works with dreams and visions, but when you are driving your car there is risk. So each of us have transferred that risk to our insurance companies. The next thing you can do is avoid risk. How do we avoid risk, by putting that dream right on the shelf and leaving it alone. Thirdly, we can reduce risk, by studying, getting with the right people and so on. Lastly, we can accept risk, this is the route I would suggest for anyone wanting to achieve great things.

When we accept the risk that is related to our goals and dreams, we are in a more powerful position. Why would I say that? Because now you have the opportunity to plan and prepare for the risk, instead of it catching you off guard.

What I have found to be true in my life and other successful people is that accepting risk will break you away from the pack. There is risk in almost everything we do. When you go out to eat, there is a risk, so what do we do. We try and find what we think are respectable places of business, to reduce a bad eating experience. We ask for recommendations from other people. We sometimes read reviews of local restaurants. This is all done after we have accepted the risk, now we do everything in our power to reduce the risk.

This simple example can be applied to all aspects of life, whether you want to start a business, invest money or get married. You have the power to accept the risk and than do your due diligence to reduce the risk.

Well I hope this information will assist and help you in your future adventures.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Time and time again so-called experts have been proven wrong. The world was thought to be flat until someone challenged that thinking. To swim the English Channel was thought impossible, until someone challenged that thought.

What in your life is lingering around because you haven’t challenged it? Is it debt, being over weight, a bad attitude or an unsatisfying job? I guarantee you it won’t change until you challenge it.

Recently I read the story of Roger Bannister, the first man to ever run a mile under four minutes. It was thought impossible for the human body to endure such pressure. But Roger Bannister decided to challenge this notion and in doing so set a standard for others to follow.

What have you not attempted because others have said it can’t be done? What have you told yourself you can not do? What lie do you believe? The funny thing about a lie, it can be false, but if you think it is true, it becomes true to you.

I want you to live your best life, but for that to happen you are going to have to do what others say is impossible, stop doubting yourself and get to moving. Because there is one thing for sure………

In reading Roger Bannister’s story, I picked up three nuggets I want to share with you on how he was able to do the impossible.

The first thing Roger did was set the goal to break the four minute mile. Now in setting this goal he had to separate from all negative energy toward this goal. He couldn’t listen to the hundred of thousands of people who thought it couldn’t be done.

I have a friend who just received her doctorate degree; this is after dropping out of high school, a couple of bad relationships and three children. Many thought she was crazy to go after such a lofty goal. “Just be glad you got your GED” some said. Others said “Why are you doing all this school stuff.” But she kept on pushing, until her goal was met. Now Dr. Kristal Cutley runs her own business helping others live their educational dreams.

So set a goal and see it through………….

The next thing I observed from Roger is that he set up a training program to help him reach his goal. Roger developed a plan that worked for him; you will have to do the same thing. Some of us work better in the early mornings, while others love the late nights. Find the course that is best for you.

Lastly, Roger looked for the opportune time to bring his goal, training and desire together. On May 6, 1954, at Oxford University, Roger saw the opportunity before him. Now at first glance, Roger did not see this opportunity, the winds were blowing pretty strong that day, so Roger planned not to run. But as the day went on, and the winds began to calm down, he saw his chance.

Harold Abrahams of BBC Radio made the call.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here is the result of event 9, the one mile: 1st, No. 41, R.G. Bannister, Amateur Athletic Association and formerly of Exeter and Merton Colleges, Oxford, with a time which is a new meeting and track record, and which - subject to ratification - will be a new English Native, British National, All-Comers, European, British Empire and World Record. The time was 3..."

When the crowd heard the three they screamed so loud, it drowned out Harold. Roger had done what they said could not be done; he ran the mile in 3:59.4. The current record today is 3:43.13, because Roger Bannister dared to go against the nay-sayers; others were able to shift their thinking as well.

What is the world waiting for you to accomplish, that others may break the glass ceiling? Set your goal, train well and look for the opportunity to perform your best.


Monday, August 30, 2010


Many people meet their death bed with many regrets, a lot of “I should have, wish I would of and if I could do it all over again.” How can you and I avoid this tragic occurrence from happening to us? It’s simple, “GO FOR IT.” Now your “IT” may be different than mine, yours may be to get a degree, travel the world, start a business, become a public speaker or start a foundation to help at risk children. Whatever your “IT” is I want to encourage you to “GO FOR IT.”

I speak with plenty of people who are bored, disinterested or just fed up with their current job, life or overall direction they are headed. I simply tell them this feeling is a result of not pursuing that inner desire on the inside of them.

This is not always a career change it may be your deep rooted passion for singing. Not to be a big time super star, but maybe to perform weekly at the local Jazz Club in your neighborhood.

Until you fulfill this desire, it will haunt you until the day you die. I have to run a full marathon before I die. I have run a half marathon, but it did not kill the desire on the inside of me to complete a full one. Now I know what many of you are saying, why would anyone want to run or walk 26.2 miles? I say the same thing about people who desire to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. When I was offered this opportunity in the military, I gladly rejected this opportunity, while others literally jumped at the opportunity.

In 1994 Michael “Air” Jordan arguably the greatest player to play basketball walked away from the game at his prime, some thought. Fresh off his third championship, many wondered why he would do this. I know. There was something burning on the inside of him. From a quote in a Steve Aschburner article for Inside The NBA, here is what many had to say:

"Everybody else around the league thought that this guy is just heading into his prime, and to chase something that maybe's not going to happen -- he's so great -- why would he take the time, or waste the time, to do that?''

Many people called Jordan’s attempt at baseball a failure, I see it very differently. Whether he made the roster or not, what he did was fulfill a desire that would have haunted him for the rest of his life. When Jordan was asked why he did it, he replied,

“I want to play baseball. It was my father's dream that I become a baseball player.”

If you don’t know how the rest of the story goes, Jordan ended his attempt a year later and returned to basketball and won another three championships. And by the way, he happens to own his own professional basketball team now. So pursuing his desire didn’t knock him off track not one bit. What it did was allow him to go to his grave not wondering what would have happen if I had just went “FOR IT.”

What desire do you have that will not escape you, you think about it, dream about it, and wonder what if. It’s time to stop wondering and “GO FOR IT.”


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hey Fam,

I have a brand new radio show I want you to check out. Log onto www.blogtalkradio.com/dr-will-speaks every Wednesday at 10:00am PST. Each show will bring you informative information to help you grow in life and become the best you possible. I will interview special guest who are maximizing thier gifts to produce an awesome life. I look forward to sharing with you in this new form. Tell all your friends it's going down on the Dr.Will Speaks Show!!!

Think Better, Live Better!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Most people want to be successful, rich, well off, or wealthy. But few take the time to study how to become what they desire.

Imagine a basketball player never practicing or a musician never practicing. I have read numerous books, magazines and articles, listened to so many audio recordings and the resounding thing I hear is that you have to practice and study what you want to become.

A better term is you must become a student of what you want to be. I am a very amateur golfer; I rarely play and never practice. So it doesn’t amaze me that I don’t perform that well when I go out. I will have a good swing maybe every fifth swing. However my colleagues that I play with do far better than me, but they play more, and more importantly they practice.

Contrast to my golf game is my public speaking career, I practice and study the great speakers and influencers of the past and present. By the responses I receive after my presentations, the practice was well worth it. Even though I am nervous every time I get up to speak, it is not because I am not prepared.

How does this apply to our personal lives, finances and life in general? Well it starts with your personal goals in each of these areas. What type of entrepreneur, employee or parent do you desire to be? What type of finances do you desire to possess?

You can not just hope that the wisdom will fall into your lap; you must be diligent to pursue what you want. You can no longer be passive about your desires.

Three action steps you need to take today.

            1. Find a coach or mentor
            2. Get the books or info on what you desire
            3. Take the first steps toward your goal

Becoming a student of what you desire will prove to be invaluable in your pursuit of your desires. The better student you become, the better you position yourself for what you want out of life.

The better student you become, the better quality teachers you will attract. One of my favorite quotes “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”


Thursday, August 5, 2010


Why is this happening to me? Is a common question that many people ask themselves when they are faced with challenging situations in life. Many choose to focus on the displeasure or the pain of the circumstance rather than choose to find the good in the situation. Now I know you think this is an impossible task, what’s good about someone dying, losing their home, or their job. Well when you look on the surface of these types of situations I admit it may be tough not to react from your feelings.

When my grandmother died, the pain was awful; I didn’t think I wanted to live. But my grandmother had terminal cancer and didn’t want to go through the process of chemo. When I walked into her hospital room, she looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes and said “baby, grandma is tired, I’m ready to go.” When I left that room, the pain of grandma dying was still as strong as ever, but I had a peace within me. I knew grandma was on her way to heaven, and given the choice of returning to earth, I think she would have stayed in heaven.

From that conversation with my grandma, it allowed me to focus not on grandma dying, but on what I loved about her. Yes I would miss her, yes I hated she was dying, but I DECIDED to focus on all the wonderful and great moments we shared.

Moments like sitting with her and watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Or waiting by the kitchen door for her to tell me I could lick the spoon from the cake she just made. I remembered how she always called me “grandma’s little man.” I had so many great things to think about, rather than the thoughts that would cause me to cry or feel the pain of grandma dying.

King Solomon, said to be the wisest man to ever live coined this beautiful passage;

1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:2A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;3A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;4A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;6A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;7A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;8A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

King Solomon here tells us all that we are going to experience different seasons in our lives, no one is exempt. But we each have the power to think about the good in every situation, and believe me, if you decide to find the good, it is there waiting to be discovered.

Everyone can complain that’s the easy thing to do, be the person that say’s I will find the “GOOD IN EVERY SITUATION.”


Monday, July 26, 2010


The other day I was organizing my office and I came across an article I had picked up in a newspaper from India. In the article it talked about a 93 year old Indian woman who wanted to learn English. The article went on to say this was a dream of this woman’s for some time.

Many people tried to persuade her not to spend her last few years on something that wouldn’t benefit her. But this zealous grandmother refused to listen to the nay-sayers. So at the ripe mature age of 90 years old, this resilient lady enrolled herself in the local elementary school. She preferred this class room setting over adult school because she said “I go to bed around 7 pm, so night school is out for me.” As I looked at the picture attached to this article, this 93 year old grandmother sitting on the floor next to other small children, it made me smile.

It was a three year process for this grandmother to realize her dream, as the other students moved on; she remained in the same class until she reached her goal. The elementary school teacher that taught this grandmother said “It was a joy to have her in the class each day, and the children absolutely loved her.”

If any one knows that it’s never too late, certainly Jessie Ratliff does. This seventy-five year old great-grandmother from South Carolina does. After dropping out of high school in the 10th grade, 56 years later, Jessie crossed the staged and received her GED.

Hit with a tough economy, and a small unemployment check, Jessie knew personal development was her only chance. Armed with determination and perseverance, she hit the books.

"She came in; she worked; she went right to work and had no problems with the work," said teacher Margie Smith.

But Jessie didn’t stop there she has enrolled in Trident Tech to further her education.

If you have every eating at the well known eatery Kentucky Fried Chicken, then you have

Harland David Sanders, better known as Colonel Sanders to thank. At the age of 65-years old, he took the plunge to franchise his small chicken eatery all across the United States.

I don’t know about you, but I’m glad he didn’t think 65 was too old or too late.

Today make the choice to go after what you other wise thought was too late, IT’S NEVER TOO LATE!!!


Monday, July 19, 2010


Each year if you are like me you set goals for yourself to achieve on your way to your destiny. And if you are like me you experience certain obstacles, distractions and so forth. Sometimes they are self imposed, other times they are life imposed, either way, and they can knock us off course. This causes many of us to want to quit and give up. We experience frustration and de-motivation, and may be willing to forfeit our goals.

Well several weeks ago, I walked into my church on a Thursday evening and picked up a nugget that may help you out. I know it helped me out.

We are mid way through this year and hopefully you have reflected on the first six months of the year to see if you are on course. What did you discover? Are you on track or off track? Well if you find yourself off track, don’t beat yourself up. Stop calling yourself a failure. Today I’m going to share with you what my Pastor and mentor thought me.

PUSH THE RESET BUTTON!!! Yep that’s it. Don’t cry about it; don’t waddle in it, simply press reset. There are a few things that “PUSHING RESET” allows you to do. What I like about “PUSHING RESET” is this; you are not giving up, but starting over.

The other week I was playing Ms. Pac Man and it wasn’t going like I planned. I was trying to get to stage three without losing a man. Even though it wasn’t going like I planned, I wasn’t ready to stop playing. So what did I do, I looked down at that red button that said RESET, and I pushed it.

What does RESET allow you to do? Here are a few things “PUSHING RESET” will allow you to do.

1. Refocus on your goal

2. Refresh yourself for the journey

3. Reestablish priorities in your life

4. Redefine your course

5. Reexamine your tools for the job

So at this mid way point, ask yourself do you need to “PUSH RESET.” You still have time to accomplish some great things this year.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


For every one of you reading this blog, you have a great opportunity before you. But I’m sad to say, that many of you will not take advantage of this great opportunity. What is this great opportunity I speak of, it’s the ability to add value to your life. Hopefully today’s blog will inspire you, upset you, push you or make you take responsibility for you.

Many people live life without ever learning the laws that govern life, life runs on a cycle, a system. Learning the system is the key to living a worth while life. Let me ask you a question, where ever you live in this world, do you know the laws that govern success in that region?

Let me explain it this way, all over the world, the profession of farming exists, but the climates for farming are different around the world. If you lived in Ghana, Ghana only has two seasons, raining and dry season. India has four seasons, winter, summer, monsoon and post-monsoon. America has four, but they are winter, spring, summer, and fall. Travel to Germany and be met with autumn, winter, summer and pro-longed summer.

As a farmer, you would have to know the environment you live in to properly plant and harvest successfully.

What I have learned in all my travel is that there is a principle that works in all environments. It is the principle of “RAISING YOUR VALUE.”

I have personally experienced this principle and seen it work all around the world. And the exciting thing about a principle is that it works for everybody.

Many people I talk with want to raise the amount of money they earn, but are not sure how do to it. This causes a great deal of stress for many people. One of the most common ways I have seen a person try to earn more money is by working two or three jobs. But there is a better way to approach this issue.

Here is the key to earning more money, simply learn more. If you want to earn more, learn more. I know it sounds simple, but think about this. Where ever you work, it is what we call the “Market Place.” If you bring more knowledge to that market, the market will pay you more. Why does one person at McDonald’s earn $7 and another earn $22 per hour. They are working the same hour, so you are not paid for your time, but for the VALUE you provide in that hour.

Why does a manager earn more, because they have learned and acquired knowledge about a particular area of the market they work in. As it relates to this market, they add VALUE. Take this same person and place them in another market and their VALUE to this new market may go down.

How does this $7 employee move to the $22 level? By adding VALUE to them selves, if this person, LEARNED all the ins and outs about their job, what makes it work, what will it take to make it grow? They begin to acquire knowledge, in no time they will be recognized for the VALUE they are bringing to the company.

Remember, the way you EARN more, is to LEARN more!!!

Think Better, Live Better

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Last week I told you about my friend who after some life challenging events found the guts and faith to pursue her dream of becoming a Police Officer. And to top it all off she is over forty years old. But I told you I had two friends, so this week I want to tell you about my other phenomenal friend who is pursuing her dream.

In 2005 after eight-teen years of hard work and dedication, my friend found herself forced out of her corporate position with a Fortune 500 company. After making all the right moves and connecting with all the right people, the grim reaper of down sizing would knock her off the corporate latter.

Angry, hurt, disappointed and fearful, my friend begin to ponder her next move. Quickly she came up with the idea that she would use her corporate experience and become a consultant. The only problem was this little voice that kept saying “Now is the time to pursue your dream.” But after all these years could this still be my dream my friend thought, or was this just crazy talk?

After wrestling with the idea of chasing her dream, she put every reason why this was not a good idea to pursue this dream. First off, it would mean a huge decrease in pay. Secondly, pursuing this dream meant going back to school. And thirdly, it was just out right crazy.

But here is the problem with purpose, it never shuts up, you can ignore it, but it never shuts up. After much deliberation and prayer, my friend made the move to pursue her dream. She would go back to school to get her teaching credentials and become a teacher.

She had run from that small voice that kept saying “You were born to teach.” My friend realized that life at it’s longest is short, and you better start doing what you love. She confronted her greatest fear at the time, which was the drastic difference in income, and decided on fulfillment and life purpose.

When I asked my friend what she had learned, here is what she said “Never allow money to determine your destiny, if you are happy doing what you do, you are already rich.” I’m so excited to celebrate with my friend this upcoming December when she not only gets handed her credentials, but her life long purpose.

My friends let these two women be the spark that gets your fire going. Your passion is waiting on you to grab a hold and ride into the sunset with no regrets in life.

Think Better, Live Better!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010


In my seminars I tell the audience not to die before they have lived. Life at it’s longest is short, so we have no time to waste. In today’s blog I want to inspire you with two stories about two women that decided to LIVE THEIR DREAMS!!!

But before I share their stories, let me first kick out all your excuses for you living your dreams.

Number one, it’s never the right time to live your dreams, you just have to go for it, the timing will never seem right. Secondly, you will never have everything you need to start off initially, but start any way. And lastly, what do I say to the person who says, “What if it doesn’t work out?” I say, what if it does!!!

My first friend I want to tell you about is someone I really call I dream chaser. I have known her for over twenty-five years, and she is beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside. Like many of us she has experienced challenges in life, and life has not always turned out as she thought.

After being married for fourteen years, she found herself divorced with two children and a mortgage to pay. To top it off she was downsized from her corporate job. Faced with unthinkable changes and challenges, she did what most people would do. She went into survival mode. She began to look for work any where she could find it, just to stay afloat. She found that the market was not so friendly to an older single mother of two.

What would she do now? Faced with a dilemma, she turned to her dream. My friend had a dream of being a police officer from a very young age, but gave this dream up, earlier on in life. With a new marriage and two young children, she could no longer see herself being on the force.

But after the disappointment of a failed marriage, she took the disappointment as a reappointment to her dream. She began to inquire about what it would take to fulfill her life long dream. Her age put her right at the limit to join the force; she would have to move quickly, if she was going to follow her dream.

After talking with a few friends and her now teenage children, she was ready to chase her dream. My friend was ready to put herself through some of the most mentally and physically challenging ordeals of her life, but this was her DREAM!!!

I am proud to say after several months of intense training, my dear friend is living her dream she is now a Los Angeles Police Officer.

Next week I will share about my other friend who is chasing her dream as well.

Think Better, Live Better!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Many times we think of the future as some distant far off event, but actually the future is NOW!!! Today use to be what you called the future yesterday, tomorrow which will be today when you get there is the future. So what you will experience in your future depends on what you to today. Read that sentence a few more times……lol

Most people allow life just to happen to them, but we have the power to orchestrate our future. If you don’t believe me, you will never enjoy life, you will only endure it. You will be forced to just react to what happens to you, instead of controlling what happens to you.

Today I want to challenge you to plan your future, I recommend that you take a few hours and really think about what you want your future to look like. Let me tell you, this will be very tough for many of you, because you will be engaging in a practice that you are not use to. But it is well worth it.

By planning your future, you will begin to see how much more control you have over your life then you ever imagined. Step away from the crowd, step of away from those that just allow life to happen to them.

One of my favorite Proverbs says “A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, But the simple pass on and are punished.” When you plan your future, you are more equipped to handle the challenges of life, the road blocks and the detours that come your way.

See yourself as that majestic eagle; the eagle can see three times farther than the average human. When you can see farther, you can plan better.

Don’t be the person that waits for things to happen, or the person who allows things to happen to them, be the person that makes things happen!!!

Good Thinking, Good Living!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010


We live in a society that creates pressure for us to live a certain way, obtain a certain position and acquire a bag of toys we feel me must have to be in the “IT CROWD.” This misconstrued form of thinking has lead many people to lead a passionless life.

In my seminars I try to persuade individuals to follow their passion and not a career path. Following a career path my get you stuff, but it will never get you fulfillment. We have houses we never see, clothes we will never wear, and cars that stay parked for most of the day as we die away in a cubicle.

Following your passion no matter what it may be is the only way to enjoy true peace and prosperity. Don’t be fooled by following the crowd into bleak future, follow your passion.

For some of you that may be basket weaving, that’s what it was for Jeffery Gale. Jeffery always loved working with his hands, and one day he came across a hand woven basket. He fell in love, he new this was what he wanted to do. He sought out someone to teach him, but found no one who still maintained the hand crafted tradition. So Jeffery taught himself.

Now he creates some of the finest basket you will ever see. For Jeffery his peace was in his passion for basket weaving.

For Richard and Sandee Gerber, their passion was hidden in the plumbing business. Following their passion lead them to start their on business 29 years ago in Eugene, Oregon. Over the years, their passion for the business has allowed them to exceed 12 million dollars in sales annually.

Richard says their passion has created an environment for excellence. Sandee sums it up this way "Now after 29 years we still enjoy every day of the business."

You can only make that kind of statement when you are passionate about what you do. Ask yourself, do I enjoy everyday of what I do? Or do I dread what I do and can’t wait for Friday and hate Monday?

Now more than ever is your time to follow your passion. Don’t waste away your life sitting around wishing and day dreaming that life was more fulfilling. Begin today to start mapping out a life full of PASSION!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Watch the news, take a walk through the inner cities, or simply talk to the majority of our youth, and you’ll see and hear of a society that has lost a zeal for life. The wisest king to live was King Solomon, and he was quoted as saying “When there is no vision, people perish.” This is so true, when people have no reason, purpose or desire to live, they will live aimless lives.

In the last decade or so I have had two life challenging health issues. The first was the morning I woke up and the left side of my face was paralyzed. The doctors told me it was cerebral palsy, a condition that would affect my motor skills. This was horrifying news to a young healthy twenty something man. I was told my condition would either get better or worse, but no one was able to tell. After several months, thank God, my condition got better and was reversed. This ordeal should have made me focus more on my life purpose, but it didn’t. Like many people I ignored this warning and continued to live life as it happened.

The next health challenge I was met with was a mild stroke at the age of twenty-six. As I lay on that stretcher, I had a sense that this was not the end, but a time of reflection. I thought about my family, my life and what I had done with it up until that time. On that day, on that stretcher riding in the ambulance, I made the choice to live life to the fullest.

I begin to ask God, why was I really here on earth. I didn’t want to waste any more time. From this inner search for meaning, I received my life purpose. In a nut shell, my purpose would be to help individual live their best life. I wouldn’t let this second warning go by without life altering changes.

This compelling vision would be my guiding light. My whole life is centered around people finding their reason for living. Each of us are here for a purpose, finding that purpose is the answer to a fulfilled life.

If you have found your life’s purpose, then you know what I’m talking about. I want to challenge you to help at least three other people find theirs.

We all have too much to live for…………………………..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


But if you correct those who care about life, that's different—they'll love you for it!
Save your breath for the wise—they'll be wiser for it; tell good people what you know
Proverbs 9:9 (Message)

If you know me personally, you know that I believe that success is a science; it can be obtained by following proper principles and correct labor. Now let me be clear that I am referencing only one aspect of success, the part that deals with your career or life purpose.

The other day I was talking with a colleague and he was inquiring about how I reached a certain level of success. I begin to explain to him that I work hard at what I do. He quickly begins to point out that he works hard also. I said this is true, but you are working hard for other people.

Now I also work hard for other people, but in a different way. Let me explain what I mean, if you work hard for someone on a job your return is limited. It may come in the form of a promotion that will increase your pay by several hundred dollars, but most of it will be taxed.

The harder I work; I get to give myself an increase that I determine. As a public speaker I can charge anywhere from $1-$50000, for a one hour presentation, based upon how hard I work. The person who has a job is capped at a certain level. Remember the company you work for is in business to make money, not to make you rich.

This was a radical shift of thinking for my colleague; it was very difficult for him to wrap his mind around. I begin to explain to him, it’s because the mental conditioning that you received, has prepared you to be a consumer and not a seller. For most of us in the Western world, we are thought to go to school, get a good job and save for retirement. We are never thought ownership.

Think for a moment who last longer, the boxer or the promoter? The player or the owner, the employee or the employer.

I ended by explaining that his job must become his business. You have to learn to use your current job to spring you into your destiny……………..

Hear is a quick example how you make your job your business. I can imagine you feel you are pretty good at your job, probably the best. Have you ever said, if everyone was like me this would be a better place? I’m sure you meant if they had your work habits, the business would run better, right? Well, put in a little extra work to become a subject matter expert in your field and write a manual on work place success. Offer to teach this manual for an additional fee to your company.

This is just one example, there are several ways you can turn your job into your business. If you think like the boss, one day you will be the boss.


Monday, May 24, 2010


Many people live uneventful lives, simply because they do not plan to live any other way. The world is a sea of exquisite picturesque beauty, waiting to be looked upon by the eyes. It amazes me as I travel and speak to people from around the world about the beauty that’s right in their back yard, how very often many of them have never seen it.

In today’s blog I want to encourage you to plan to see the world, I know what you are thinking, maybe. I don’t have the time, the money or maybe even the desire. But if you take the time to plan it out, everything is made easier with a plan.

How many weekends have you wasted all ready? How many vacations have you spent sitting at home? Make the choice today to begin to plan a better life. It would be awful to die and to have never lived.

Let me offer a small list of the world’s beauty to wet your appetite for travel, but please Google each of them to see a picture of these beautiful places. Now this is just a small list, I am sure there are even magnificent sights near your home as well.

1. The Grand Canyon, Arizona

2. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

3. Cape Town, South Africa

4. Taj Mahal, India

5. Canadian Rockies, Canada

6. Machu Picchu, Peru

7. The Pyramids, Egypt

8. Petra, Jordan

9. The Great Wall of China, China

10. Iguacu Waterfal, Brazil

You must see the pictures to really capture the beauty of these marvelous places. Create your own dream list and begin to plan today. You may say every five years I’m going to travel to one of the world’s beautiful places.

Remember, everything is easier with a plan…………..

Monday, May 17, 2010


This weekend I learned that I lost a high school friend to a terrible car accident. It started me on a road of reflection, reflecting on the one’s I love and the things I have done in this life.

In today’s blog I want to challenge you to examine your life, look over your life and ask yourself, if I died today, would there be any regrets. Is there something you told yourself you wanted to do, but haven’t done it yet? A project you were supposed to start.

Maybe there is an apology you were supposed to give. Whatever it may be, let’s take the time to ensure we neither live nor die with regrets. Maybe someone owes you an apology, make it easy for them, call them, and let them know you forgive them.

See we are all just walking this life hopefully trying to do our best. And what I have learned we many times have misguided expectations of people. What do I mean? For the longest time I was bitter against my mom, I thought she could have been I better mom to me when I was growing up.

Years later when I became a parent, I experienced the weight of parenting. It is fun, it is scary, and it is a journey. I never took a class on being a father; I was just doing the best I could.

I realized at the age of twenty-one, my mother with two small children was doing her best. I expected at the time so much more from her, but my expectations were not fair. So one day I called my mother to thank her for doing her best, and we began a new journey.

Life within itself has enough hurdles for each of us to climb; we have the power and ability to make each other’s life a lot less stressful. Make the choice today to live without any regrets.

Life at it’s longest is too short…………….

Monday, May 10, 2010


The great Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.” Each of us get a certain amount of time upon this earth; we are all living on borrowed time. No one is for sure when their time will end, so it is necessary that we make our time count.

Think for a moment, as morbid as this may be, if you died today, would you be satisfied with the life you have lived. With the time that has been given to you, did you invest it wisely? If you took a moment to read your life’s resume, are you satisfied?

Are time here on earth at its longest is to short, and way to short not to live for anything that has lasting value. What are you involved in that will outlive you?

Today, make the choice to get busy living. Find a project that you can give your best to, which will outlive you and be “WORTH YOUR TIME” here on earth. Ask yourself these simple questions.

1. What am I passionate about

2. What can I feel good going

3. How can I go to bed each night knowing I made a difference

4. What can I attach myself to that will outlive me

5. What will be my mark on life

I am passionate about helping people live their best lives. I write this blog, I post inspirational quotes on my Face Book page, I have written several inspirational books, and I do seminars and whatever else I can do to help a person live their best life.

Each night when I go to bed, I pray that one person has changed there thinking about bettering their life. When I wake up, I’m looking for the opportunity to help someone see things a little bit differently.

You owe life so much more, come on let’s get busy living!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010


No one is a success by themselves, one person may stand on the platform, but it takes a team to get you there.

Learning to network will greatly enhance your chances of winning in life. Many people I talk with want to win by themselves, but once you learn how to network you will see the immediate results.

So in today’s blog I want to share with you how to network to bring your vision to past. There is an old proverb that says there is nothing new under the sun. There may be new ideas, but the principles to bring it to fruition are as old as the sun.

Teaming together with others will prove to be invaluable in bringing your destiny to the world. So let’s look at some networking techniques…………

Question one, who in your immediate area can you learn from? Who is doing what you want to do better than you? Connect with like minded people, people in your industry that are on the cutting age. Volunteer to work with them. Offer to take the key players out to lunch to learn from them.

Next, how will networking with others bring you credibility? When you are starting out in business, people don’t know you. No matter how good your product is, people trust who they know. By networking with a more credible business, you can borrow from their integrity with customers.

Lastly, networking can allow you to share some of the challenges you are facing with others that are experiencing the same thing, or that have been through the process already.

Hopefully you can see how networking can greatly enhance your business and your life……..

See you at the top!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Recently I had the opportunity to give back to my old high school by speaking to several of the seniors that will graduate in about forty-five days and start their life journey. I shared with them some key principles that will help them navigate a life of success. Today I want to share with you what I shared with them.

As the title says, “Success is a Science”, when the correct principles are arranged in the proper way, success cannot be avoided. Every time you mix two hydrogen atoms with one oxygen atom you will get water. So let me share with you what I call Phase One of Success.

Phase One is comprised of six questions that an individual must answer to begin a journey of success. Here are the six vital questions:

                1) What is your Potential?

                2) What is your Purpose?

                3) How will you Package your purpose?

                4) How Passionate are you about your purpose?

                5) Will you be Persistent in your purpose?

                6) Can you exercise Patients in your purpose?

If you want lasting success that will live beyond you, then you have to answer these six key questions. Take some time today and ask yourself these questions. Evaluate your life against these questions and see if you are operating in the science of success.

Understand what science is, science is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws.

If success is a science, then you have no excuse, implement Phase One today and begin the journey.

Monday, April 19, 2010


The earth is an amazing piece of work. Have you every taken a moment to look around? This planet called earth that we live on is so spectacular and uniquely designed, like a handcrafted time piece. The preciseness in which it functions is breathe taking. In my study of the earth I have found that it operates systematically or in seasons. Each region governed by it’s on systematic flow. This is why in Ghana West Africa you can where shorts and flip flops in December, but in Germany you better have nothing less then a bear coat on.

Learning how to “Live In Your Season” will allow you to maximize your life, your time and your destiny.

In the United States of America you can count on four seasons pretty much, however in India, you will be met with two, the rainy season and the hot season. To get the most out of life, you have to learn how to function in your given season.

I like to call these seasons, systems. A system simply means order. Setting up your life to run on systems will greatly enhance your effectiveness. Think about a farmer for a moment, they live within two seasons; planting season and harvesting season. I remember one year I traveled to Kentucky, and when I arrived at my hotel I was met by a lobby full of farmers who were attending a Tractor Trailer Convention. I made small talk with a corn farmer, and she began to explain to me the importance of planting your seed at the right time. This lady had it down to a science; she told me if I planted my seeds pass a certain date, it would affect my entire harvest.

Many times we waste time doing the wrong thing at the wrong time or even doing the right thing at the wrong time. If your job requires you to be at work at 8:00am, and you show up at 10:00am, you did the right thing at the wrong time.

Think for a moment how difficult it was to complete your degree if you didn’t go right after high school. How much more difficult was it when you added a family to the equation? Didn’t it seem like there were forces working against you, rather than for you?

I have learned that it is easier to ski on the mountain when there is snow on it. The ski equipment is designed to glide on the snow surface; this same equipment would not work so well on the mountains rough surface. Notice, the same mountain in a different season can give you a different adventure. One season you can ski, and another season you can mountain climb.

Learn to "Live In Your Season" and maximize your life!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Many of us have hopes and dreams and desires that we want to fulfill before we leave this earth. One of the greatest feelings in the world is to envision something in your mind and then see it come to pass.

There is a young man that I mentor that had a vision of starting a clothing line. I remember him talking to me about it and showing me the napkin that he wrote his first tie design on. This napkin became his motivation for starting his company. Each day he would look at this napkin and work on his vision.

Just a few months later he was able to find a manufacture and see his vision come to pass. One of the key essentials to his success was being able to see the end from the beginning. This napkin turned into a computer design, from a computer design into a fabric design. He kept a piece of the vision in front of him at all times. When you have a free moment check out his website and see what happens when you keep the vision before you. www.gigarecollection.com

Having a visual picture of what you want to accomplish in life will work wonders. In my wallet I keep a vision statement card, it reminds me of what I am living for and want to accomplish in life. In my home I have a folder with all the prototype businesses I am going to start.

Don’t over look this key essential in realizing your goals and bringing your vision to pass. Remember “When you see IT, you can believe IT.”

Monday, April 5, 2010


Life is full of mishaps, mistakes and do-overs. How we handle these situations will determine how we will succeed in life. Many people are afraid to try because they may fail, while others have a fear of rejection. But the truth is failure and rejection is a healthy part of life. I know this may seem crazy to you at first. But give me a moment to explain.

A lot of people have the wrong concept of failure; they view failure as a negative, instead of a learning tool. Failure can be used to bring you into an atmosphere of excellence. I have spoken publicly to over five hundred audiences and have failed to convey my point several times in a way I desired to do so, but each time I learned something that made me better for my next presentation.

What really is rejection? Have you ever thought about that question? Rejection to me is just two different points of views. The fact that someone doesn’t like my idea, my book, my story or whatever, doesn’t make it bad. They just have a different opinion; they are not seeing what you are seeing.

Walt Disney the great visionary of the most visited theme parks in the world, would often sit by himself and envision a wonderful place for families to come and enjoy themselves. Friends and family thought he was a little off his rocker to think that such a place could exist. Walt Disney used this rejection to fuel his desire even more to prove everyone wrong. Because Walt Disney didn’t let rejection stop him, more than five hundred million people have been able to enjoy a place that provides life time memories.

Want to talk about failure; on the day Disneyland opened, it was met with one failure after another. For starters it was only to be attended by a select group of special quest, but counterfeit tickets were sold, which caused the park to be over crowed. Next, the temperature reached over one hundred degrees. To make matters worse, the local plumbers went on strike and gave Mr. Disney an option to have either the bathrooms work or the water fountains work. The vendors ran out of food, there was a gas leak that caused several rides to be closed down all on the first day. There was failure after failure.

How do you think Mr. Disney handle these series of failures? Do you think he spent the night feeling bad for himself? Not at all, Mr. Disney invited the entire group back on the next day and promised them a better experience. Wow, what a way to rebound and bounce back.

I am totally convinced when you look at things in the proper manner, you can handle anything. I often say, life will not kill you, you may give up, decide not to go on, but life will not kill you.

Make the choice today to “REBOUND AND BOUNCE BACK.”

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In Power To Empower

I think everyone wants to be in a power position or feel a sense of power; the dictionary defines power in the following way; ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something. When power is properly applied it can transform lives, when it is abused it can destroy destinies.

I recently watched a show called “Undercover Boss” one of the few shows I invest time in. If you have never watched the show, allow me to give you a small back drop of the show. Owners and CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies go undercover in their companies to get a feel for the day-to-day operations and the people who work for them. This gives them the inside track on their operations and employee’s.

The last time I watched this show I must admit, that I was in tears, tears because I got a true glimpse of power in action. I saw what power is capable of, and it made me want to press even harder to my place of destiny.

On this particular show the CEO went under cover and as he interacted with his employees, they begin to tell him the hardships they were facing. Not knowing they were talking to the Big Boss, they assumed they were just making small talk.

One employee’s story I remember was of a young man who worked forty plus hours and was going to school part time as well. As he set down with the boss, and told him his dream of becoming the CEO of the company. The CEO was overwhelmed with his passion for his job.

At the end of each show, the CEO will reveal their true identity to the employee’s that they worked with. Here is where the rubber meets the road for me. This particular CEO was so touched by the young man’s story, that he made a decision to pay for the young man’s schooling and keep him on salary while he attended school. THAT’S POWER APPLIED!!!

If you are in a position of power, look for ways to empower others. I am inspired to empower………………….I HOPE YOU ARE TOO!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Each of us play a team manager in life, whether you run a company, have a family or even if you are single, you are in charge of your team. The question becomes what type of team are you building? All of us should be endeavoring to build a championship team.

To build a championship team you need five essential ingredients. In today’s blog I will share with you those ingredients. Mixing these ingredients will produce the championship team you desire in life.

The first ingredient you will need is VISION. Vision is simply a glimpse into the future from your present position. Vision gives the team direction, focus and optimism. Vision is vital to the growth and direction of the team. Your team needs to know where the train is headed in the next few years and even the next decade. If your family, company, or you don’t have a vision, it will fail and never reach its full potential.

Next, you will need to provide QUALITY LEADERSHIP. QL is required to lead the team toward the vision. Providing QL doesn’t mean that you micro manage the team, but you need to ensure they our focused and heading in the right direction.

Thirdly, COMMUNICATION is paramount to the success of the team. It is not enough for you to tell the team what is required or where the team is headed, but you must ensure they understand what is expected. Take the time to make it plain, never rush through this step. Miss communication will cost the team, time, energy and money in the long run. Do your due diligence to communicate clearly.

The fourth ingredient is EXPLOSURE. Give your team the best training possible and expose them to the next level. Excellence is learned and takes time. Exposing your team to other quality teams will inspire and motivate them. Exposure will re-enforce the vision you have put in place.

Lastly, PATIENTS. You want to build a team that will leave a legacy. Legacy takes time, so you will need to have a sense of purpose, but don’t rush to the finish line. You want to use your time wisely, so take small gradual steps toward the vision. This will benefit the entire team in the end.

Implement these five winning ingredients into your team’s DNA and you will soar.

Monday, March 15, 2010


King Solomon said to be the wisest man to ever live, coin these words in one of his many proverbs; “The hand of the diligent will rule, But the lazy man will be put to forced labor.”

I have studied and learned from some of the most successful people on the planet, and a common thread that each of them share is diligence. They may use another word to describe their success, but I have narrowed it down to this word called diligence.

Diligence means that you are attentive, thorough, and smart-working in your gifted area of influence. Many people have not developed the patience to see their gifted area evolve to the place of success or excellence.

Too many have the missed conceived notion that success will happen over night. Thomas Edison the inventor of the light bulb failed 10,000 times in his attempt to bring electric light to the world. I’m sure glad he didn’t give-up.

Norm Larsen the developer of WD-40 the house hold all-purpose spray, failed 39 times before he found a solution that worked. Hence the name WD-40, he was diligent.

Orville and Wilbur Wright’s diligence has benefited the entire world. Inventors of the airplane, these brothers failed many times in their attempt to defy the laws of gravity. Personally having traveled to over 25 countries and 4 continents, I am glad they had diligence. I would hate to have made these trips by boat.

Add diligence to your arsenal today. Never give-in or give-up!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


The internet and technology has made it virtually impossible for you not to grow as a person. With the access we have to all types of information FOR FREE on the internet and with all of our mobile devices, no one has an excuse not to grow and become the big tree in the yard.

If you have ever endeavored in the arena of personal development then you no doubt have heard these three statements;

                      a. As a man thinketh so is he
                      b. You are the company you keep
                      c. Environment matters

In no time in the past has this been possible, than in the latter part of the 20th Century and the present time we are in right now to accomplish this necessary task of development. We have the opportunity to surround ourselves with quality information that will transform our lives.

I am amazed at the FREE quality information you and I can get our hands on. The tools, not toys that are accessible to us via MP3 players, iPods, Car Stereos, E-book Readers, and videos on the web are remarkable.

These tools give us the possibility to turn any environment into an “ENERGIZED ENVIRONMENT.” Your car, your home, and your office should all be EE Zones. While you are working out, standing in line at the grocery store or waiting at the DMV, all these places can be turned into EE Zones.

It is said that each of us have 85,000 transitional thoughts a day, 85% being negative. No wonder most people have bad attitudes. And here is the kicker, we all fall victim to it. Let me give you an example:

We walk in the store, we complain because we can’t find what we are looking for. Then, once we find it, we say that sure is a dumb place to have it. Next we find a line, complain about how long it is, and then complain about the person working at the counter. We then start a negative conversation with the people around us about how bad the store is. Leave the store and continue to complain to everyone we see about our bad experience in the store.

Have you ever been guilty of this, sure you have, we all have. I make it a habit now to carry something positive to listen to wherever I go, so I can control my environment. I suggest that you do the same.

Make all your environments “ENERGIZED ENVIRONMENTS.”

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Richest Person In The World

Who is the richest person in the world? Is it Bill Gates or Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai? Is it Warren Buffet or Puff Daddy? If you are trying to figure out which of these individuals have the most money to determine who is richer, then you are short sighted and will never become rich yourself.

For one to be truly classified as RICH, there are four key components you must possess in your life, which I will outline in this blog.

The first component you have to possess is RESOURCEFULLNESS. This is the ability to handle new, complex and challenging situations in a timely manner without stressing out. A resourceful person looks at a situation to fix it and not complain about it. They spend their time searching for solutions and not pointing blame.

Next a rich person will be INSIGHTFUL. Insight deals with your perspective on a situation. How do you see what you see? This will determine your attitude about it. The story of creation in the Bible states that God looked at the earth and it was void, without form and darkness was all around. Because of his insight, God determined that what he saw presented a great opportunity to plant something new. Insight says that there is always an answer to a problem.

Thirdly a rich person has CREDIBILITY. They can be trusted to follow through on their word. A rich person will always under commit and over perform. Their time management skills are great, and they never seem over worked. People believe and want to work for a person that is credible.

Lastly a rich person is full of HEART. The bottom line is not a number, its people. How you treat those who work for you or with you, determines how rich you are. People are the greatest asset to the planet, if you fail to realize this truth, you can never be rich. Learn to serve humanity from the heart and you will be RICH beyond your wildest dreams.

Monday, February 22, 2010


If you are a person that has a longing to maximize your life’s potential; if you want to become a well-balanced person, then this blog is for you. This forum was created to be a place where like minded people could come and receive information that would help them to develop and maximize their potential.

What is a Minority Mindset? When using the word minority, I am talking about the collective few, who have made the choice to maximize their life. Years of personal observation and study has proved to me, that the possibility to become better is available to all. There is an ocean of opportunity in life, but I have realized that there is only a MINORITY group that will take advantage of the opportunities. These are the people who refuse to make excuses and point the finger at others, and finally take responsibility for their success. These are the “Minority Mindset” thinkers and doers!