Dr. Will

Dr. Will
In Motion

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In Power To Empower

I think everyone wants to be in a power position or feel a sense of power; the dictionary defines power in the following way; ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something. When power is properly applied it can transform lives, when it is abused it can destroy destinies.

I recently watched a show called “Undercover Boss” one of the few shows I invest time in. If you have never watched the show, allow me to give you a small back drop of the show. Owners and CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies go undercover in their companies to get a feel for the day-to-day operations and the people who work for them. This gives them the inside track on their operations and employee’s.

The last time I watched this show I must admit, that I was in tears, tears because I got a true glimpse of power in action. I saw what power is capable of, and it made me want to press even harder to my place of destiny.

On this particular show the CEO went under cover and as he interacted with his employees, they begin to tell him the hardships they were facing. Not knowing they were talking to the Big Boss, they assumed they were just making small talk.

One employee’s story I remember was of a young man who worked forty plus hours and was going to school part time as well. As he set down with the boss, and told him his dream of becoming the CEO of the company. The CEO was overwhelmed with his passion for his job.

At the end of each show, the CEO will reveal their true identity to the employee’s that they worked with. Here is where the rubber meets the road for me. This particular CEO was so touched by the young man’s story, that he made a decision to pay for the young man’s schooling and keep him on salary while he attended school. THAT’S POWER APPLIED!!!

If you are in a position of power, look for ways to empower others. I am inspired to empower………………….I HOPE YOU ARE TOO!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Each of us play a team manager in life, whether you run a company, have a family or even if you are single, you are in charge of your team. The question becomes what type of team are you building? All of us should be endeavoring to build a championship team.

To build a championship team you need five essential ingredients. In today’s blog I will share with you those ingredients. Mixing these ingredients will produce the championship team you desire in life.

The first ingredient you will need is VISION. Vision is simply a glimpse into the future from your present position. Vision gives the team direction, focus and optimism. Vision is vital to the growth and direction of the team. Your team needs to know where the train is headed in the next few years and even the next decade. If your family, company, or you don’t have a vision, it will fail and never reach its full potential.

Next, you will need to provide QUALITY LEADERSHIP. QL is required to lead the team toward the vision. Providing QL doesn’t mean that you micro manage the team, but you need to ensure they our focused and heading in the right direction.

Thirdly, COMMUNICATION is paramount to the success of the team. It is not enough for you to tell the team what is required or where the team is headed, but you must ensure they understand what is expected. Take the time to make it plain, never rush through this step. Miss communication will cost the team, time, energy and money in the long run. Do your due diligence to communicate clearly.

The fourth ingredient is EXPLOSURE. Give your team the best training possible and expose them to the next level. Excellence is learned and takes time. Exposing your team to other quality teams will inspire and motivate them. Exposure will re-enforce the vision you have put in place.

Lastly, PATIENTS. You want to build a team that will leave a legacy. Legacy takes time, so you will need to have a sense of purpose, but don’t rush to the finish line. You want to use your time wisely, so take small gradual steps toward the vision. This will benefit the entire team in the end.

Implement these five winning ingredients into your team’s DNA and you will soar.

Monday, March 15, 2010


King Solomon said to be the wisest man to ever live, coin these words in one of his many proverbs; “The hand of the diligent will rule, But the lazy man will be put to forced labor.”

I have studied and learned from some of the most successful people on the planet, and a common thread that each of them share is diligence. They may use another word to describe their success, but I have narrowed it down to this word called diligence.

Diligence means that you are attentive, thorough, and smart-working in your gifted area of influence. Many people have not developed the patience to see their gifted area evolve to the place of success or excellence.

Too many have the missed conceived notion that success will happen over night. Thomas Edison the inventor of the light bulb failed 10,000 times in his attempt to bring electric light to the world. I’m sure glad he didn’t give-up.

Norm Larsen the developer of WD-40 the house hold all-purpose spray, failed 39 times before he found a solution that worked. Hence the name WD-40, he was diligent.

Orville and Wilbur Wright’s diligence has benefited the entire world. Inventors of the airplane, these brothers failed many times in their attempt to defy the laws of gravity. Personally having traveled to over 25 countries and 4 continents, I am glad they had diligence. I would hate to have made these trips by boat.

Add diligence to your arsenal today. Never give-in or give-up!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


The internet and technology has made it virtually impossible for you not to grow as a person. With the access we have to all types of information FOR FREE on the internet and with all of our mobile devices, no one has an excuse not to grow and become the big tree in the yard.

If you have ever endeavored in the arena of personal development then you no doubt have heard these three statements;

                      a. As a man thinketh so is he
                      b. You are the company you keep
                      c. Environment matters

In no time in the past has this been possible, than in the latter part of the 20th Century and the present time we are in right now to accomplish this necessary task of development. We have the opportunity to surround ourselves with quality information that will transform our lives.

I am amazed at the FREE quality information you and I can get our hands on. The tools, not toys that are accessible to us via MP3 players, iPods, Car Stereos, E-book Readers, and videos on the web are remarkable.

These tools give us the possibility to turn any environment into an “ENERGIZED ENVIRONMENT.” Your car, your home, and your office should all be EE Zones. While you are working out, standing in line at the grocery store or waiting at the DMV, all these places can be turned into EE Zones.

It is said that each of us have 85,000 transitional thoughts a day, 85% being negative. No wonder most people have bad attitudes. And here is the kicker, we all fall victim to it. Let me give you an example:

We walk in the store, we complain because we can’t find what we are looking for. Then, once we find it, we say that sure is a dumb place to have it. Next we find a line, complain about how long it is, and then complain about the person working at the counter. We then start a negative conversation with the people around us about how bad the store is. Leave the store and continue to complain to everyone we see about our bad experience in the store.

Have you ever been guilty of this, sure you have, we all have. I make it a habit now to carry something positive to listen to wherever I go, so I can control my environment. I suggest that you do the same.

Make all your environments “ENERGIZED ENVIRONMENTS.”

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Richest Person In The World

Who is the richest person in the world? Is it Bill Gates or Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai? Is it Warren Buffet or Puff Daddy? If you are trying to figure out which of these individuals have the most money to determine who is richer, then you are short sighted and will never become rich yourself.

For one to be truly classified as RICH, there are four key components you must possess in your life, which I will outline in this blog.

The first component you have to possess is RESOURCEFULLNESS. This is the ability to handle new, complex and challenging situations in a timely manner without stressing out. A resourceful person looks at a situation to fix it and not complain about it. They spend their time searching for solutions and not pointing blame.

Next a rich person will be INSIGHTFUL. Insight deals with your perspective on a situation. How do you see what you see? This will determine your attitude about it. The story of creation in the Bible states that God looked at the earth and it was void, without form and darkness was all around. Because of his insight, God determined that what he saw presented a great opportunity to plant something new. Insight says that there is always an answer to a problem.

Thirdly a rich person has CREDIBILITY. They can be trusted to follow through on their word. A rich person will always under commit and over perform. Their time management skills are great, and they never seem over worked. People believe and want to work for a person that is credible.

Lastly a rich person is full of HEART. The bottom line is not a number, its people. How you treat those who work for you or with you, determines how rich you are. People are the greatest asset to the planet, if you fail to realize this truth, you can never be rich. Learn to serve humanity from the heart and you will be RICH beyond your wildest dreams.