Dr. Will

Dr. Will
In Motion

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


For every one of you reading this blog, you have a great opportunity before you. But I’m sad to say, that many of you will not take advantage of this great opportunity. What is this great opportunity I speak of, it’s the ability to add value to your life. Hopefully today’s blog will inspire you, upset you, push you or make you take responsibility for you.

Many people live life without ever learning the laws that govern life, life runs on a cycle, a system. Learning the system is the key to living a worth while life. Let me ask you a question, where ever you live in this world, do you know the laws that govern success in that region?

Let me explain it this way, all over the world, the profession of farming exists, but the climates for farming are different around the world. If you lived in Ghana, Ghana only has two seasons, raining and dry season. India has four seasons, winter, summer, monsoon and post-monsoon. America has four, but they are winter, spring, summer, and fall. Travel to Germany and be met with autumn, winter, summer and pro-longed summer.

As a farmer, you would have to know the environment you live in to properly plant and harvest successfully.

What I have learned in all my travel is that there is a principle that works in all environments. It is the principle of “RAISING YOUR VALUE.”

I have personally experienced this principle and seen it work all around the world. And the exciting thing about a principle is that it works for everybody.

Many people I talk with want to raise the amount of money they earn, but are not sure how do to it. This causes a great deal of stress for many people. One of the most common ways I have seen a person try to earn more money is by working two or three jobs. But there is a better way to approach this issue.

Here is the key to earning more money, simply learn more. If you want to earn more, learn more. I know it sounds simple, but think about this. Where ever you work, it is what we call the “Market Place.” If you bring more knowledge to that market, the market will pay you more. Why does one person at McDonald’s earn $7 and another earn $22 per hour. They are working the same hour, so you are not paid for your time, but for the VALUE you provide in that hour.

Why does a manager earn more, because they have learned and acquired knowledge about a particular area of the market they work in. As it relates to this market, they add VALUE. Take this same person and place them in another market and their VALUE to this new market may go down.

How does this $7 employee move to the $22 level? By adding VALUE to them selves, if this person, LEARNED all the ins and outs about their job, what makes it work, what will it take to make it grow? They begin to acquire knowledge, in no time they will be recognized for the VALUE they are bringing to the company.

Remember, the way you EARN more, is to LEARN more!!!

Think Better, Live Better

1 comment:

  1. This is great this is exactly what i try to coach my business's around. What is your value and how do you value yourself. One knows if you place no value on yourself then how can you expect to be valued.
