Dr. Will

Dr. Will
In Motion

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

After We Die

I am inspired by life and all the lessons it teaches daily. Each day I try to learn from life and the environment I live in. This morning I was riding my bike and saw something that made me begin to think about what impact if any I will have after I die.

I know many do not like to think about death, they consider death to be a morbid subject. As the Good Book says “There is a time to live and a time to die.” So death is nothing to be afraid of, but to be prepared for.

Let me first say that what I saw this morning on my morning ride is a bit horrific, but follow me and I think you will see the lessons.

As I was riding my bike, I saw a rabbit that appeared to be run over by a car. While passing this sight I thought what a shame. I didn’t give it much thought, but when I was on my return trip, that is when the light bulb went off. The second time I saw this rabbit, a crow was picking his morning breakfast from this dead rabbit’s body. I know it paints a dreadful picture, but let us see what we can learn.

Number one, this rabbit probably had no idea that today was going to be his last day of living, just like you and I are not sure when our time is up. Therefore we have to approach each day with great vigor and excitement. Next, what grabbed my attention was seeing the crow getting his morning meal. The rabbit was benefiting the livelihood of the crow, which made me think will I still be able to serve mankind after I die. What am I producing today that others will be able to know I was here.

I have come to this conclusion; we all need to live life as if today is our last day. Be involved in something that will serve mankind after we are no longer living.