Each week I travel and listen to conversations addressing the many problems and issues facing America. I turn on my T.V. and see the sea of people sharing their opinions on what the Government or President Obama should do. It all makes for great debate, and in many cases heated exchanges between the two Vietnam Vets at the donut shop, all the way to the top intellectuals of our time.
Pratibha Devisingh Patil another female sworn into the office of President. I have travelled to Ghana several times, and saw John Kofi Agyekum Kufuor who was President at the time. So I already had a visual of a Black President.
If you study history, you will find that the times we are experiencing right now are not new, and will not be the last time we experience these types of challenges. So what do we as individuals need to do, to not only survive, but thrive. Complaining, debating and pouting will not change your situation, but these few keys will set you up for success.
2. Believe Success is Yours
3. Be Specific about the Success you will Achieve
4. Build the Necessary Relationships
5. Make Small Improvements Daily
6. Develop a Desire to Serve
7. Strive to be Better, not Bigger8. Develop your Financial Literacy
9. Protect your Health
10. Enjoy the Journey
Each of these keys can be implemented immediately; Congress doesn’t have to vote on them. The President doesn’t have to introduce them into law. Stop waiting on the President or anyone else for that matter to take control of your life.
In two or four years, President Obama will be out of office, he will sign a book deal, and First Lady Michelle will sign a book deal as well. They will hit the international speaking stage and become billionaires. Another person will be in the Whitehouse, and you will still be in your house, so don’t find yourself still complaining, debating and pouting about the same things. Create your own recovery plan and stimulus package now, and work it like you life depends upon it, because it does.