What in your life is lingering around because you haven’t challenged it? Is it debt, being over weight, a bad attitude or an unsatisfying job? I guarantee you it won’t change until you challenge it.
Recently I read the story of Roger Bannister, the first man to ever run a mile under four minutes. It was thought impossible for the human body to endure such pressure. But Roger Bannister decided to challenge this notion and in doing so set a standard for others to follow.
What have you not attempted because others have said it can’t be done? What have you told yourself you can not do? What lie do you believe? The funny thing about a lie, it can be false, but if you think it is true, it becomes true to you.
I want you to live your best life, but for that to happen you are going to have to do what others say is impossible, stop doubting yourself and get to moving. Because there is one thing for sure………
In reading Roger Bannister’s story, I picked up three nuggets I want to share with you on how he was able to do the impossible.
The first thing Roger did was set the goal to break the four minute mile. Now in setting this goal he had to separate from all negative energy toward this goal. He couldn’t listen to the hundred of thousands of people who thought it couldn’t be done.
I have a friend who just received her doctorate degree; this is after dropping out of high school, a couple of bad relationships and three children. Many thought she was crazy to go after such a lofty goal. “Just be glad you got your GED” some said. Others said “Why are you doing all this school stuff.” But she kept on pushing, until her goal was met. Now Dr. Kristal Cutley runs her own business helping others live their educational dreams.
So set a goal and see it through………….
The next thing I observed from Roger is that he set up a training program to help him reach his goal. Roger developed a plan that worked for him; you will have to do the same thing. Some of us work better in the early mornings, while others love the late nights. Find the course that is best for you.
Lastly, Roger looked for the opportune time to bring his goal, training and desire together. On May 6, 1954, at Oxford University, Roger saw the opportunity before him. Now at first glance, Roger did not see this opportunity, the winds were blowing pretty strong that day, so Roger planned not to run. But as the day went on, and the winds began to calm down, he saw his chance.
Harold Abrahams of BBC Radio made the call.
"Ladies and gentlemen, here is the result of event 9, the one mile: 1st, No. 41, R.G. Bannister, Amateur Athletic Association and formerly of Exeter and Merton Colleges, Oxford, with a time which is a new meeting and track record, and which - subject to ratification - will be a new English Native, British National, All-Comers, European, British Empire and World Record. The time was 3..."
When the crowd heard the three they screamed so loud, it drowned out Harold. Roger had done what they said could not be done; he ran the mile in 3:59.4. The current record today is 3:43.13, because Roger Bannister dared to go against the nay-sayers; others were able to shift their thinking as well.
What is the world waiting for you to accomplish, that others may break the glass ceiling? Set your goal, train well and look for the opportunity to perform your best.