Dr. Will

Dr. Will
In Motion

Monday, May 24, 2010


Many people live uneventful lives, simply because they do not plan to live any other way. The world is a sea of exquisite picturesque beauty, waiting to be looked upon by the eyes. It amazes me as I travel and speak to people from around the world about the beauty that’s right in their back yard, how very often many of them have never seen it.

In today’s blog I want to encourage you to plan to see the world, I know what you are thinking, maybe. I don’t have the time, the money or maybe even the desire. But if you take the time to plan it out, everything is made easier with a plan.

How many weekends have you wasted all ready? How many vacations have you spent sitting at home? Make the choice today to begin to plan a better life. It would be awful to die and to have never lived.

Let me offer a small list of the world’s beauty to wet your appetite for travel, but please Google each of them to see a picture of these beautiful places. Now this is just a small list, I am sure there are even magnificent sights near your home as well.

1. The Grand Canyon, Arizona

2. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

3. Cape Town, South Africa

4. Taj Mahal, India

5. Canadian Rockies, Canada

6. Machu Picchu, Peru

7. The Pyramids, Egypt

8. Petra, Jordan

9. The Great Wall of China, China

10. Iguacu Waterfal, Brazil

You must see the pictures to really capture the beauty of these marvelous places. Create your own dream list and begin to plan today. You may say every five years I’m going to travel to one of the world’s beautiful places.

Remember, everything is easier with a plan…………..

Monday, May 17, 2010


This weekend I learned that I lost a high school friend to a terrible car accident. It started me on a road of reflection, reflecting on the one’s I love and the things I have done in this life.

In today’s blog I want to challenge you to examine your life, look over your life and ask yourself, if I died today, would there be any regrets. Is there something you told yourself you wanted to do, but haven’t done it yet? A project you were supposed to start.

Maybe there is an apology you were supposed to give. Whatever it may be, let’s take the time to ensure we neither live nor die with regrets. Maybe someone owes you an apology, make it easy for them, call them, and let them know you forgive them.

See we are all just walking this life hopefully trying to do our best. And what I have learned we many times have misguided expectations of people. What do I mean? For the longest time I was bitter against my mom, I thought she could have been I better mom to me when I was growing up.

Years later when I became a parent, I experienced the weight of parenting. It is fun, it is scary, and it is a journey. I never took a class on being a father; I was just doing the best I could.

I realized at the age of twenty-one, my mother with two small children was doing her best. I expected at the time so much more from her, but my expectations were not fair. So one day I called my mother to thank her for doing her best, and we began a new journey.

Life within itself has enough hurdles for each of us to climb; we have the power and ability to make each other’s life a lot less stressful. Make the choice today to live without any regrets.

Life at it’s longest is too short…………….

Monday, May 10, 2010


The great Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.” Each of us get a certain amount of time upon this earth; we are all living on borrowed time. No one is for sure when their time will end, so it is necessary that we make our time count.

Think for a moment, as morbid as this may be, if you died today, would you be satisfied with the life you have lived. With the time that has been given to you, did you invest it wisely? If you took a moment to read your life’s resume, are you satisfied?

Are time here on earth at its longest is to short, and way to short not to live for anything that has lasting value. What are you involved in that will outlive you?

Today, make the choice to get busy living. Find a project that you can give your best to, which will outlive you and be “WORTH YOUR TIME” here on earth. Ask yourself these simple questions.

1. What am I passionate about

2. What can I feel good going

3. How can I go to bed each night knowing I made a difference

4. What can I attach myself to that will outlive me

5. What will be my mark on life

I am passionate about helping people live their best lives. I write this blog, I post inspirational quotes on my Face Book page, I have written several inspirational books, and I do seminars and whatever else I can do to help a person live their best life.

Each night when I go to bed, I pray that one person has changed there thinking about bettering their life. When I wake up, I’m looking for the opportunity to help someone see things a little bit differently.

You owe life so much more, come on let’s get busy living!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010


No one is a success by themselves, one person may stand on the platform, but it takes a team to get you there.

Learning to network will greatly enhance your chances of winning in life. Many people I talk with want to win by themselves, but once you learn how to network you will see the immediate results.

So in today’s blog I want to share with you how to network to bring your vision to past. There is an old proverb that says there is nothing new under the sun. There may be new ideas, but the principles to bring it to fruition are as old as the sun.

Teaming together with others will prove to be invaluable in bringing your destiny to the world. So let’s look at some networking techniques…………

Question one, who in your immediate area can you learn from? Who is doing what you want to do better than you? Connect with like minded people, people in your industry that are on the cutting age. Volunteer to work with them. Offer to take the key players out to lunch to learn from them.

Next, how will networking with others bring you credibility? When you are starting out in business, people don’t know you. No matter how good your product is, people trust who they know. By networking with a more credible business, you can borrow from their integrity with customers.

Lastly, networking can allow you to share some of the challenges you are facing with others that are experiencing the same thing, or that have been through the process already.

Hopefully you can see how networking can greatly enhance your business and your life……..

See you at the top!!!