Dr. Will

Dr. Will
In Motion

Monday, April 26, 2010


Recently I had the opportunity to give back to my old high school by speaking to several of the seniors that will graduate in about forty-five days and start their life journey. I shared with them some key principles that will help them navigate a life of success. Today I want to share with you what I shared with them.

As the title says, “Success is a Science”, when the correct principles are arranged in the proper way, success cannot be avoided. Every time you mix two hydrogen atoms with one oxygen atom you will get water. So let me share with you what I call Phase One of Success.

Phase One is comprised of six questions that an individual must answer to begin a journey of success. Here are the six vital questions:

                1) What is your Potential?

                2) What is your Purpose?

                3) How will you Package your purpose?

                4) How Passionate are you about your purpose?

                5) Will you be Persistent in your purpose?

                6) Can you exercise Patients in your purpose?

If you want lasting success that will live beyond you, then you have to answer these six key questions. Take some time today and ask yourself these questions. Evaluate your life against these questions and see if you are operating in the science of success.

Understand what science is, science is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws.

If success is a science, then you have no excuse, implement Phase One today and begin the journey.

Monday, April 19, 2010


The earth is an amazing piece of work. Have you every taken a moment to look around? This planet called earth that we live on is so spectacular and uniquely designed, like a handcrafted time piece. The preciseness in which it functions is breathe taking. In my study of the earth I have found that it operates systematically or in seasons. Each region governed by it’s on systematic flow. This is why in Ghana West Africa you can where shorts and flip flops in December, but in Germany you better have nothing less then a bear coat on.

Learning how to “Live In Your Season” will allow you to maximize your life, your time and your destiny.

In the United States of America you can count on four seasons pretty much, however in India, you will be met with two, the rainy season and the hot season. To get the most out of life, you have to learn how to function in your given season.

I like to call these seasons, systems. A system simply means order. Setting up your life to run on systems will greatly enhance your effectiveness. Think about a farmer for a moment, they live within two seasons; planting season and harvesting season. I remember one year I traveled to Kentucky, and when I arrived at my hotel I was met by a lobby full of farmers who were attending a Tractor Trailer Convention. I made small talk with a corn farmer, and she began to explain to me the importance of planting your seed at the right time. This lady had it down to a science; she told me if I planted my seeds pass a certain date, it would affect my entire harvest.

Many times we waste time doing the wrong thing at the wrong time or even doing the right thing at the wrong time. If your job requires you to be at work at 8:00am, and you show up at 10:00am, you did the right thing at the wrong time.

Think for a moment how difficult it was to complete your degree if you didn’t go right after high school. How much more difficult was it when you added a family to the equation? Didn’t it seem like there were forces working against you, rather than for you?

I have learned that it is easier to ski on the mountain when there is snow on it. The ski equipment is designed to glide on the snow surface; this same equipment would not work so well on the mountains rough surface. Notice, the same mountain in a different season can give you a different adventure. One season you can ski, and another season you can mountain climb.

Learn to "Live In Your Season" and maximize your life!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Many of us have hopes and dreams and desires that we want to fulfill before we leave this earth. One of the greatest feelings in the world is to envision something in your mind and then see it come to pass.

There is a young man that I mentor that had a vision of starting a clothing line. I remember him talking to me about it and showing me the napkin that he wrote his first tie design on. This napkin became his motivation for starting his company. Each day he would look at this napkin and work on his vision.

Just a few months later he was able to find a manufacture and see his vision come to pass. One of the key essentials to his success was being able to see the end from the beginning. This napkin turned into a computer design, from a computer design into a fabric design. He kept a piece of the vision in front of him at all times. When you have a free moment check out his website and see what happens when you keep the vision before you. www.gigarecollection.com

Having a visual picture of what you want to accomplish in life will work wonders. In my wallet I keep a vision statement card, it reminds me of what I am living for and want to accomplish in life. In my home I have a folder with all the prototype businesses I am going to start.

Don’t over look this key essential in realizing your goals and bringing your vision to pass. Remember “When you see IT, you can believe IT.”

Monday, April 5, 2010


Life is full of mishaps, mistakes and do-overs. How we handle these situations will determine how we will succeed in life. Many people are afraid to try because they may fail, while others have a fear of rejection. But the truth is failure and rejection is a healthy part of life. I know this may seem crazy to you at first. But give me a moment to explain.

A lot of people have the wrong concept of failure; they view failure as a negative, instead of a learning tool. Failure can be used to bring you into an atmosphere of excellence. I have spoken publicly to over five hundred audiences and have failed to convey my point several times in a way I desired to do so, but each time I learned something that made me better for my next presentation.

What really is rejection? Have you ever thought about that question? Rejection to me is just two different points of views. The fact that someone doesn’t like my idea, my book, my story or whatever, doesn’t make it bad. They just have a different opinion; they are not seeing what you are seeing.

Walt Disney the great visionary of the most visited theme parks in the world, would often sit by himself and envision a wonderful place for families to come and enjoy themselves. Friends and family thought he was a little off his rocker to think that such a place could exist. Walt Disney used this rejection to fuel his desire even more to prove everyone wrong. Because Walt Disney didn’t let rejection stop him, more than five hundred million people have been able to enjoy a place that provides life time memories.

Want to talk about failure; on the day Disneyland opened, it was met with one failure after another. For starters it was only to be attended by a select group of special quest, but counterfeit tickets were sold, which caused the park to be over crowed. Next, the temperature reached over one hundred degrees. To make matters worse, the local plumbers went on strike and gave Mr. Disney an option to have either the bathrooms work or the water fountains work. The vendors ran out of food, there was a gas leak that caused several rides to be closed down all on the first day. There was failure after failure.

How do you think Mr. Disney handle these series of failures? Do you think he spent the night feeling bad for himself? Not at all, Mr. Disney invited the entire group back on the next day and promised them a better experience. Wow, what a way to rebound and bounce back.

I am totally convinced when you look at things in the proper manner, you can handle anything. I often say, life will not kill you, you may give up, decide not to go on, but life will not kill you.

Make the choice today to “REBOUND AND BOUNCE BACK.”